Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back in Business

You all know about getting the monkeys off my back. And you all know that right now I'm mainly working on a game. But yesterday I got assigned this other test for another client. Got supervised by my officemate/mentor/master and he approved of my work.

My word! I'm actually back in advertising. And I can't believe I've missed a lot of things about it. Like the fast deadlines and the pressure to improvise to achieve your goals. Not that I'm dissing the game I'm working on, but its basically repetitive. Model, model, model. Or you just animate what they've rigged (because they have to follow a specific rig for the character). I'm sure there's a lot more to games but right now I miss the fast-paced action of commercials.

Its more pressure but why not? At least I'm having fun. So far. Because there's still no problems with the project. But hey, what better way to improve than this, right?

Anyway this new thing I'm working on is pretty simple, actually. So far its just a test of how we model something and how we animate it. After that if the client likes it we get to do the actual commercial.

What's great about being back in ads is the fact that I'm not so constrained anymore by polygon count. In games we were basically limited to around 1,500 polygons per model for characters and significantly less for props. But for the test I'm doing already the first model I've made has around 10-15k worth of polys. Nice.

Anyway I'm a pretty happy guy again. So far.


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