Sunday, August 04, 2024

[1086] Healthspan

I've been following GCN's Dan Lloyd and his videos about longevity and health in youtube. Aside from that I also heard Dr. Peter Attia when he was a guest in The Smoking Tire podcast mention healthspan versus lifespan.

It's gotten me really curious and open to the idea. I'm in my mid-40s and not getting any younger, and I do want to enjoy my life moving forward as healthy, mobile, and independent as possible.

I'm starting small, focusing on being consistent with my weekly exercise goals. Mainly to do at least four sessions of twenty-minute exercises a week. I usually do two-to-three 40-minute walks a week, occasionally replacing one or two sessions with around a 20-minute jog.

I've also added a twenty-five minute Tabata/HIIT workout but it's still basically intense cardio with a 20 lbs kettlebell. I've also started focusing on the quality of my reps during these HIIT workouts rather than the quantity of reps. When I was doing these a few years ago I was targeting getting more reps per twenty seconds but now I realize I should make sure each rep is as close to a perfect form as possible so I'm back to less reps of squats, deadlifts, and other kettlebell exercises.

I honestly don't know if I could have done this at a younger age. I was too immature and shortsighted to consider my long term health. I honestly hope I am not too late, but I am hoping I'm doing enough nowadays to help me improve my healthspan.
