Monday, August 19, 2024

[1090] Bike Upgrades

Not that I can afford them, but I also keep internally discussing with myself if I really do need upgrades when I rarely ride anymore.

One thing is for sure, safety will always be the main reason why I plan on upgrading.

Now that that's out of the way, I once again started thinking of bike frames earlier this morning. I was wondering if it was an upgrade or just a "sidegrade" if I got the aluminum gravel frame from the same brand as my bike frame now. Honestly while the frame is affordable I'm not sure it's worth it getting that. I'd rather get a slightly better brand's frame for my bike.

Unfortunately Ritchey Logic frames are way too expensive and will just be a pipe dream for me in the near and medium future. One possibility though is the State Bicycle 6061 Black Label All-Road bike frame. I became aware of this because of Drew Dillman, a member of the Bonk Bros Podcast I listen to. The frame isn't cheap, but it's also not as expensive as a Ritchey Logic frame. Plus being aluminum with a carbon fiber fork I'm guessing this bike will also be lighter.

Biggest "issue" for me is that it's internally routed. I'm not a fan of internal routing but it's something I can live with. Besides, it's not like I'm buying a bike frame anytime soon.
