Thursday, August 15, 2024

[1088] Health and Fitness Goals

I'm going to keep it simple. My health and fitness goals are:

  • Functional mobility and flexibility. I want to be able to be able to keep walking at a decent pace, be able to bend over to pick stuff up, be strong enough to pick stuff up, be strong enough to lift up some light stuff above my head, stand up and sit down with little to no assistance, and basically be independent as I enter the twilight of my life.
That basically means I want to have a good quality health span. Checking google I found this as a definition of health span. I am copy-pasting a line from that link in the next paragraph.

"A revolutionary increase in life span has already occurred. A corresponding increase in health span, the maintenance of full function as nearly as possible to the end of life, should be the next gerontological goal." — John W. Rowe and Robert L. Kahn, Science, 10 July 1987"

So there it is. I want to live as a functional human being until the day I die. I'm taking baby steps to do this, and the most recent thing that I've modified to help me achieve my goals was the workout I do when I do my HIIT/Tabata training.

I basically added one more set/cycle in my interval training to add one more set of kettlebell exercises that will hopefully keep me fit enough to achieve my goals. Most of my weight training include squats, both Romanian deadlifts and suitcase deadlifts, bicep curls, tricep extensions, kettlebell standing upright rows, kettlebell, two-handed kettlebell press, and bent over kettlebell rows.

All of these exercises are tied down to the mobility and flexibility goals I have. Squats help with standing up and sitting down, and hopefully help keep my core strong. Deadlifts and bent over rows help with bending forward to lift stuff up. The standing upright rows and two-handed press help with lifting stuff up. Biceps and triceps workouts help keep my arms relatively strong.

It's still very draining doing the work outs, which is something I appreciate. As I said in a previous post, I've been trying to be consistent with the quality of my movements rather than quantity of movements. Anyway I'm doing interval training with 20-second exercises so I'd rather maximize the movement in that span of time.

While I'm happy with my 20 lbs kettlebells I am also considering getting a 30 lbs or 35 lbs kettlebell just in case I need to increase the weight to improve the quality of my exercises. I might just push through with this so I can hopefully increase my strength as I keep exercising.
