Friday, April 01, 2005

Braving the Streets of the Philippines

Most foreigners in the Philippines usually comment that we Filipinos are crazy drivers. That it takes guts to brave the streets of the Philippines since we all zoom past each other, cut each other, disobey all sorts of traffice rules and regulations. And thats just the "learned" drivers.

Taxi drivers, bus drivers, jeepney drivers? Forget about it. They are a league unto their own. And they wonder why most people treat them like scum scraped from the bottom of the shoe. Most of them deserve that treatment since the way they drive wrecklessly endangers the lives of everyone in their path. Plus they cut in front of you to avoid other parked passenger vehicles, then stop instantly to pick up rides. Fuck.

Filipino drivers aren't crazy. Most of them are just plain f*cking stupid. And greedy. They can't get it past their tiny, pea-sized brains that traffic (and their days' earnings) would improve greatly if only they followed the traffic rules and regulations. But oh no. They believe traffic rules and regulations apply to everyone EXCEPT themselves. Bastards.

And the worst part of this is that I'm starting to behave like a typical Filipino driver. Not because I want to, but because I'm being forced to be rude, forced to cut people off.

I guess this is the part where I grab a shotgun and start shooting every idiot driver I meet on the road. But I won't. I'm too sane for that.

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