Friday, July 28, 2023

[1006] Airnimal Joey Sport Road

I was browsing random stuff online yesterday when I decided to just search for "dropbar folding bikes" on google. One of the top results was a list of the best folding bikes for 2023 from Bike Radar, which I skimmed through until I saw the Airnmal Joey Endurance Plus. It had a pretty good review, so I decided to check out Airnimal's website.

Turns out there is more than one variant of the Joey that has dropbars. Aside from the Joey Endurance Plus there is also the Joey Sport Road which seems to be cheaper than the former, probably because it is smaller?

Anyway I still haven't done any deep dives, but I find them interesting. According to the review the Endurance Plus supposedly handles and behaves just like a road bike. And if the maximum tire clearance is around 32mm I'm guessing there could be a decent 26-inch 32mm wide bicycle tire than can be used both for road and off-road. Similar to gravel bike tires. You see where I'm going.

The biggest issue with the Airnimal Joeys are the price. I find them really expensive. Plus they have two different folding options, and the commuter one just might not be allowed inside local trains or buses. Last I remember you could bring folding bikes in our MRT but you need to have them inside a bag. Probably to avoid soiling someone else or hurting someone with your bike.

Anyway why am I writing this? I just want to remember the Airnimal Joey Endurace Plus. It might just make me reconsider having an n+1 bike. If I really wanted a new bike I'd probably try to sell my current bike first. With the Joey, I may have to make an exception. Good thing this is all just in theory, because I can't afford the bike at the moment.
