Tuesday, July 11, 2023

[1003] Musings of a Guy Getting Older

These will be random, train of thought musings of a guy who's getting older and also coming to terms with what's going on with his life.

  • Money isn't everything, but it IS everything. And yes, it can buy you happiness. I say this because having financial security and having additional funds for hobbies or travel can help one get by life with a few less things to worry about.
  • Those who say money isn't everything, or even those who promote a minimalist lifestyle are way richer than you think, hence the lack of dependencies on a lot of things. That's one of the reasons why I stopped listening to a minimalist podcast. They kept giving great advice but also looking at their situation they were also pretty well off enough that they could live simpler lifestyles. How does this work I can't explain but most of the people I've seen in youtube videos of small house living, van life, and minimalist stuff are people more well off than what they want you to think.
  • I still have a lot of work to do to be more mature, more resilient, and more patient. It's a journey and at least I'm self-aware enough to know what I'm slipping. It's still a daily challenge and I honestly wish I could just change in a snap, but that's not how life works.
  • I need to live a healthier lifestyle. I bonked (or got hypoglycemia) yesterday after jogging a little over 1 km. I was targeting to do 2 km after a few weeks of general inactivity. Big mistake, and I had to call my dad to fetch me a few hundred meters from the house. Now I need to go walking everyday to get my conditioning back up.
  • It's all a matter of perspective. My wife keeps telling me this and I wish I could just force myself to adapt a new perspective. Best I can do is to reason with myself why I should have a better perspective.
That's it for now. I continue doing my best to change for the better and to seek this happiness I honestly want to find.
