Thursday, August 10, 2006


My girlfriend left for the US two weeks ago. Why? Because she wants to live a better life.

It is a sad truth that if you want to live a better life you cannot live it here in the Philippines. Hence the brain drain continues. Lots of people are leaving for other countries in search of better things. One of my cousins, who was a doctor, studied nursing and became a nurse and is now in Australia.

Don't think I don't have plans to move. I do. I just have to polish up my skills a bit more. Because I've seen how skilled other 3D artists are abroad, and while I believe I can match skills with them, I still have more to learn. Those artists abroad aren't just employees, they are artisans. Masters of their craft.

This country is getting worse. People once told me that I can't complain about the government or the state of the country because I haven't voted, not once. Haven't even registered. But the thing is, I pay taxes. I give them money which supposedly will be used to improve the country's situation. Instead they use said taxes for themselves. So technically, yes, I can complain. Because I'm giving them the resources to fix our country and they are throwing it away.

Sad. Sad stuff.

I truly wished I could just live my entire life in this country and experience a happy life where I could buy whatever I wanted because I was earning good coin. I didn't expect to be earning "this much" and paying taxes to fatten up our president and her family.

I want my money back.



  1. away from home, i've sent money to my loved ones and you know what makes me bitter and angry about the whole thing -- the fact that our president, a monstrous, lying thief, is smiling, like really smiling her bunny tooth smile the whole time.

  2. get away from the philippines... far far away from it. the quality of life in this country will never improve not in our lifetime... unfortunately i'm paying taxes not because i like paying the government for the 'fabulous' job they're doing, it's just that it's automatic that the company i work for deducts tax from my salary. hone your skills and get the hell away from this place... ;-)


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