Tuesday, January 03, 2006


As I sit here on my chair, at work, with no projects queued up, my thoughts drift. Random. Swirling. An image forms and disappears almost instantaneously.

I'm sitting here. Listening to the Eheads tribute album, and chatting with some folks. Killing time and resting my brain. Because once projects come and I get one, its going to be hot. Again.

So what am I getting at? Nothing. I'm just typing away here. Practicing my sentence and paragraph construction. Seeing if I can still write coherently. Using big words to sound cool and interesting. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I miss reading Scoop Jackson's articles on SLAM. I used to hate his style of writing when I was young. Too racially charged. Too "black". Too angsty. Then as I grew older I started apprectiating his style. My classmate in high school was right, Scoop was good. And his style was worth emulating.

If ever you get to read some of his articles (which you can now find at ESPN.com) you'll see why. At first you'll get annoyed. Might not appreciate it. But he's good.

And that's how I write. I write like him. I also write like a friend of mine, who is now living far away, down under. Another influence I had. Cool guy. Hopefully our paths will cross again.

Anyway I'm getting too sentimental...

Its a new year, folks. Time to try and improve. And I mean that with all sincerity.

This is going to be cool.

Enough for now. Still can't form a coherent thought process.



  1. 'Ika nga ni Barry Manilow: "We had the right love at the wrong ti..." Teka, mali yata, demmit. "Somewhere down the road, our roads are gonna cross again, it doesn't really matter when..."

    Bwahahaha... Badinger-Z!!!


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