Thursday, September 08, 2005

Rants of a Frenzied Mind

Okay, these are all toughts that came in to my head since I last blogged. So bear with me. They may be incoherent, they may be strange, they may be racial. Whatever. Just ranting.

I don't play GT4 as much now. Why? Because I ran a championship race and was doing fine the first two races. Then on the third race I was off to a good lead until the fourth lap when this other car comes flying by me. What the f*ck?!? How did that happen??? That never happened the first two races. Did they change tires all of a sudden? Good grief. So I shut off the PS2. Quit the race.

Actually I was thinking calmy during the race, when I got overtaken. I thought, Okay cut my losses, defend second. Win the Championship and get the car. Then Mr. Temper came in and I was like, I'd better eject the disc, shut down the PS2, and walk away calmy before I either a) Threw my controller HARD at the PS2 or b) broke my GT4 disk in half or c) all of the above.

I hate to lose, specially in PS2 games. I can take defeats easily if I wanted to lose. But I didn't want to. So there. GT4 is for really good drivers, guys who have excellent hand-eye coordination. I don't think I've got great hand-eye coordination. In fact I'm stuck at IB License Test 15, the lap around this Italaian town. And I always end up 2 seconds away from the bronze prize.

Sure I can practice. But really, I've only got so much time to play that I want to progress. I have work, I have a girlfriend, I've got a life. So how can I enjoy the damn game? Good thing I've got NBA Live 2005, and I'm looking forward to NBA Live 2006.

Anyway I figured out something strange last night. Do you want to know who the next dominant race will be in the world? The Arabs. Yep. That's my prediction.

See, the caucasians have had it great the past few centuries, being the dominant race and all. Fine and great. Hoorah for them. But lately almost every country's been pissed off at the USA because of their arrogance. They are not the superpower people used to think they were.

As for the Europeans, they seem better than the Americans. More mature and stuff. But their time's running out too. The age of white is fading, I can feel it. They try to cling to their greatness but the only reason they are the great ones is because they invented the rules to greatness in the first place.

Arabs? They've got all the oil and the cash now. They know how to deal with other nations, friendly at first then ruthless next. They send their offspring to other countries to get the education that helped the whites dominate. Education that other people take for granted, they take seriously.

They've got the resources and the know-how to be the next dominant race. And they're doing it. Right now.

My question is, when will it be the turn of the Asians to be the dominant race? Or better yet, why can't we just all get along and forget about race? We're all human. We've all got the same organs we all function the same way.

I guess it's in our nature to want to dominate everything. Humans have to be the most dominant species in the world that they will go to great lengths to do it. Even dominate fellow humans. Look at animals. We've got predators and prey. They try to dominate each other and yet they maintain a certain balance because of how they were made.

Humans? Who checks us? No one. We check ourselves but do we really? No. We all want a bigger slice of the pie. We want to be so f*cking dominant that we will step on others. We will bring others down. Just. To. Be. The. Man.

Think about it. Reflect on it. Then try to be accountable of your actions. Try to share. Try to be dominant in a different sense. We're all human beings, after all. Right?

Then again, what the hell am I doing, ranting about all these things when even I do nothing? I think but I don't act. I talk but I don't walk. Maybe its time that changed. Maybe I'll stop thinking, stop talking. Just let things be the way they are. Because that's what everyone wants, right?

Or I'll just try to change myself. Change starts from within. Rather than trying to change others maybe we should all just change ourselves first.

We'll see.


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