Friday, September 13, 2024

[1095] My Thoughts on EVs and Hybrids

Honestly at this moment I'm leaning more towards hybrids. I have two main reasons why.

There isn't a great charging infrastructure in the Philippines for fully electric vehicles. There are some mall parking areas that offer slots for EV charging, and I believe there are some gasoline stations that do offer EV charging as well. But I have no idea how many there are, how fast it takes to charge EVs, and how much it costs to charge them.

Hybrids will still have better range for out-of-towns. You still have an internal combustion engine. You can still fill up at gas stations, which are basically everywhere. With the range of a hybrid you have a good chance of making it to a gasoline station almost anywhere you go.

Plus I've read about Toyota's 1:60:90 rule. In terms of resource usage it might still be more environmentally sustainable to build hybrids at this moment.
