Thursday, January 12, 2023

[966] Training Update

I've been doing a lot of thinking and I've decided to revise my zone 2 training. I'll still be doing my original 1.1 km route and jogging around 700 meters, but now I'll start my exercise jogging.

The reason for this is so I can still complete 700 meters per 1.1 km. If I start with walking I'll be shorting myself around 400 meters of jog. I'll also limit myself to three full laps, or around 3.3 km, instead of four. I just need to remember to do some warm ups and stretching before I go out.

My plan is to do this MWF and have TTh as either rest days or bike days. I will do my best not to go walking on TTh because I did that last Tuesday and when I did my jog on Wednesday my legs were hurting a lot more after.

As for cycling, I figure that will be low impact cardio so I can do that on my non-jogging days. I also am still hoping to hit my target of 20 km of activity a week on adidas Running.

I have no desire to go back to ARCA South to ride since they have bike policies I don't agree with and have no desire to discuss on this public forum.
