Sunday, January 08, 2023

[964] The Honda Brio

I really wasn't considering the Honda Brio as a possible candidate for a used car until I just saw a couple yesterday when I was out with my wife.

To be honest they look pretty good, and reading a few local reviews online tells me they're pretty fuel efficient as well. Size looks decent too.

So why didn't I consider it before? Just like with the Honda City I always had the stigma that Honda cars are expensive to maintain and hard to sell. I always thought spare parts would cost more and be harder to find, but during these past few months it's become apparent to me that that isn't the case anymore.

For second-hand cars I'd probably rank it behind the Mirage and the Wigo, though that may change.

My biggest concern would be how easy it would be to sell it when the time comes. I'm not sure if my preconceived notion of Honda cars having expensive re-sale values is true. I'm also not sure how easy it is to re-sell a Honda.

Going through a quick listing in Carousell (with a lot of filters added in) I only saw two Brios there. Both may be relatively new but their mileage is also relatively high compared to the age of the vehicle.

So again, more stuff to read about. Not that I mind.
