Monday, November 07, 2022

[949] RIP Tita Susie

Earlier today I found out my paternal grandfather's sister passed away. I always called her "Tita Susie" (which basically means Aunt Susie) when I probably should have called her Lola (for Grandmother) instead.

I'm not sure how old she was or what her real name was. I just know that she was the last sibling of my grandfather that was alive. For context my grandfather passed away back in 1989.

All I remember about Tita Susie was that she was a voice coach, and a good one at that. She and her husband, Tito Tony, had a small dog named Panda that stayed with us for a few months back in the early 1990s when they went to the US for a vacation.

Rest in peace, Tita Susie. Say hello to Lolo Pabling for me.
