Tuesday, October 04, 2022

[942] Weight Loss

A few months ago I was back to around 89 to 90kg. I knew that that weight wasn't that acceptable to me, so I decided to try to do something about it.

I'm now back to 85 to 87kg. I did this mostly by being disciplined enough to do portion control and improving the quality of my daily exercises.

Instead of aiming for 1 hr and 30 min a week of walking and 20 km a week of cycling, I decided to simplify my goal to 20 km a week of activity. Then I focused on walking because of the brake issue on my bike. I also wanted to keep my pace at around 10 minutes per kilometer.

These things helped but the biggest thing that helped me was the portion control. It is very challenging because I love to eat, but I needed to "check myself before I wreck myself." Yes, I did just quote Ice Cube.

I do set cheat days for me, where I'll eat more than what I usually do. And I do sometimes do it more than once a week, because I'm human and there are times that I do want to eat to cope. I just have to remember that the discipline days should be more often than the cheat days.
