Tuesday, July 21, 2020

[852] Wax On, Wax Off

Last Sunday, July 19, 2020, I decided to give my trusty silver 2001 Toyota Rav4 a wash and a wax. The day before I already tried to clear the yellow off the headlights as best as I could, so I decided to try to give the car some cleaning. It's literally been a while since it got cleaned and waxed, as far as I can remember.

The main reason why I decided to do this was not because the car needed some love. It was a more selfish reason. I wanted to do something productive during the weekends, and seeing as how the pandemic is still going on I really have no plans of going out unless absolutely necessary.

I was also getting a bit bored and fatigued playing computer games all day. And I sure as hell was in no mood to practice anything related to 3D, but that's for another blog post if ever.

So I washed the car. I mixed some human hair shampoo with a bucket of water and gave it a good scrub. I rinsed off the really diluted and barely soapy water then proceeded to dry her off. Once that was done I used this really old bottle of wax that I found in the garage. I applied it in sections and buffed it out as well. It took me a good hour-and-a-half to do everything, give or take a few minutes.

It was tiring, more tiring than my typical fifteen-minute HIIT / Tabata workout I do every MWF. It was also fun, in a challenging sort of way. I'm thinking of ordering the correct car shampoo, wax, applicators, and microfiber towels so I can clean the car even better next time.

It was a good change of pace from what I usually do during these past few weekends. Hopefully I can use this as a launching point to finding more productive things to do during weekends. Honestly I've been feeling drained and burned out these past few months, specifically when this goddamned pandemic started. I'd rather not go into that anymore.
