Saturday, January 04, 2020

[828] My Daughter's Playdate

Earlier today I accompanied my wife and daughter for the latter's playdate with some of her classmates. One of the parents of the kids in her section (grade 3-5) wanted to have a small gathering of classmates before classes start on Monday -- January 6, 2020.

It was a very refreshing experience to see my daughter enjoying her childhood and just having fun. It honestly warmed my heart to see her running about, a smile from ear-to-ear, playing and having a great time with her friends. These are some of the moments I will always treasure, and will always hold dear in my heart.

It was also good to see the parents of my daughter's classmates. I'm glad to have met most of them and I'm really happy to see that there are people in this world who would love to develop friendships beyond the classroom.

Hopefully their class will have a few more playdates before their school year ends.
