Tuesday, December 31, 2019

[827] Looking Back at 2019 and New Year Resolutions

I have to be honest. I've always been a negative person. And a lot of events from the past few years have made me a more jaded person than usual.

I've lost my faith, I've become more temperamental, and yet at the same time I'm learning to be resilient. I'm learning to be patient, I'm learning to be more grateful with the things I have in life.

It has been an incredible journey, to be honest. There are plenty things I would want to re-do in my life. Since I cannot do that, all I have left is to keep moving forward and keep forcing myself to become a better person. With or without religion, I still cannot say.

As for resolutions, I have none. I've never been able to follow through with whatever weak resolutions I had before. I'm more impulsive, spur-of-the-moment kind of person. And it works for me, at least health-wise. I've dropped to 90kg these past few days (before the holiday feasting) with the help of intermittent fasting. I've managed to control and reduce my weight and I really could not believe I was able to do that.

I'm discovering a lof of new things about myself. Things that I hope will further make me a better person, a better father, a better son, a better husband. You name it. It is an interesting journey. I wish I could be a more positive person who doesn't give as much f*cks as I do. It will take time.

Happy new year everyone.
