Wednesday, December 25, 2019

[826] Reflecting on 2019

The end of December is a few days away and I haven't posted anything in over a month. So I'll post something today, just so I can say I posted something on December.

It's been a very interesting 2019. Like I said in an Instagram post, I've gotten more jaded as the years have passed. I have, however, also learned to persevere and be more resilient nowadays.

Yes there are weak times when I want to give up. There are times when I will indulge myself in a pity party. Usually I try to talk myself out of my funk. Remind myself of the gif of Mr. Krabs playing a sad song in the world's smallest violin.

So many things have happened this 2019. I have to say overall I've become a better person. Of course, that's my opinion of myself and I honestly don't know if others feel the same.
