Sunday, January 26, 2020

[832] Loss of a Mentor

On the afternoon of the 17th of January, 2020, one of my good friends passed away due to acute myeloid leukemia. He was 48 years old.

My friend was my first lead in my first job. He handled my interview and gave me my first opportunity to join the world of 3D.

He taught me a lot. He taught me to be professional, he taught me to know the basics. He gave me confidence to grow as a 3D artist.

Outside of work he introduced me to serious photography. By serious I mean learning the rule of thirds, composition, lighting, exposure, and using full manual controls. He introduced me to different genres of foreign films. 13 Tzameti was one of the more memorable movies he introduced me to.

I worked with him twice, in my first job and later on in my fourth job. He helped me grow even more the last time we worked together. I willingly volunteered to be trained as a Unity VFX artist and he was very impressed and happy with how much growth I had. It was unfortunate our employer had issues and I had to be let go due to redundancy, but such is life.

We stayed in contact, as we always do. We couldn't meet up since we were colleagues since we were both busy with our lives.

Imagine the shock I had when I heard from second and third-hand sources that he had passed away. I informed our other friends and they were in as much shock as I was. I went to the wake, saw his body.

Thank you for everything, "Quiapo Ilalim," you taught me a lot and I wish you were still around.

Fuck cancer.
