Thursday, July 05, 2018

[778] 2018 Birthday Wish List -- Dream On Edition

Since I'm in a better mood today I'd like to post yet another 2018 birthday wish list. It is highly improbable that I get any of these things, but hey, a guy can dream right?

So without further ado...

  1. My own daily driver. Top three I'd consider? Honda Jazz, Ford EcoSport, or the 2019 Suzuki Jimny. All automatics, of course. Something that has better fuel consumption than our 2001 Toyota Rav4, yet has the same compact size so it can still fit great inside parking spaces.
  2. A condo in Makati. Somewhere in a nice, safe location. Even just a one-bedroom to share with my wife and daughter. Should have parking space. This would make sure we would not have a hard time bringing my daughter to school and my wife to work. We wouldn't have to wake up that early just to be able to avoid traffic.
  3. A small piece of land in the province. I've been thinking of learning either beekeeping or mushroom farming so I can try to set up a small business. Once I save up enough funds I'll most likely be taking a short course in either, then hopefully I can put into practice what I'll earn. Just so I have some passive income.
  4. An electric guitar and amplifier with cables and effects. A Gibson SG, a small Marshall amp, some nice cables, and maybe a wah-wah pedal since I already own a turbo distortion.
Hmm, that's it for now I guess.
