Sunday, July 06, 2014

354 - 360/365 - The End is Nigh

354/365 - Martina and Zumba
Martina trying out zumba
355/365 - The Race Car Meets My Car
I park my car at work and a race car parks beside me.
356/365 - Maica's New Monopod
I got Maica a monopod to help our selfies.
357/365 - Martina's Loom Bands
Loom bands for Martina
358/365 - Black Lit
Black lit Hello Kitty pin
359/365 - Bananas
Bananas from "the farm"
360/365 - What to Order?
We settled on pizza for dinner
End game is near. I can't believe there are only five days to go with this Project 365. Sure, I missed a few days of photos and cheated by taking a photo the next day. More often I was faithful with snapping any photo for a day. Uploading is a different story.

During the course of this project, a great many things happened in my life. Here are some highlights and lowlights.
  • I resigned from my previous employer, whom I had worked with for over five years. It was mostly because I needed time off to think and fix some negatives things about me, but I will not let them off the hook that easily. They played their part that lead to my resignation. I will leave it at that.
  • We euthanized our pet dog, Rebus. The day after my birthday. Like I said before, maybe he was just waiting for my birthday to say goodbye. I cried a lot that day, but I was also there by his side until the end.
  • I was jobless for over two months. That was stupidity on my part. My folks always told me never resign from a job until you have a landing zone. I decided to take a risk. I was rejected a lot of times, and it was an amazing wake-up call for me.
  • I found a new career. This was my very selfish choice. I wanted to stop doing what I used to do, because I couldn't stomach it at the time. Let's just say I needed to recharge my artistic juices.
I was thinking of blogging something similar on the eve of my birthday, or even during my birthday. However, maybe it might be better to focus on something else for my birthday.


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