Tuesday, June 11, 2024

[1074] Driving

Last night Maica and I picked up her mom in her house and drove her to the ER. It was nothing serious. What it did prove was that when push comes to shove I can drive. I just really, really dislike driving in Metro Manila.

Most motorists don't use common sense. They'll block intersections just so they know they can get ahead. Motorcycle drivers don't even wonder why a car is slowing down, they'll just speed up, usually to the detriment of the car or pedestrian being allowed to pass.

Even more infuriating was when I left the intersection to another hospital open last night and all public utility jeepneys changed lanes to my lane to block the road. Brilliant.

So what's the point of this blog? Well, I can drive. And I'm starting to trust Waze more. Enjoying the drive is another thing.
