Sunday, May 26, 2024

[1071] Rain

After what seemed like a long and really, really hot summer we finally get a lot of rain. In fact, we got a tropical depression which is locally named "Aghon." 

While tropical depressions or storms are never a good thing, the arrival of rains is something I can sort of welcome. Hopefully the water reserves in Angat Dam and other dams are replenished, and hopefully the weather cools a lot.

I did notice that the peak of heat was two or three weeks ago and it was only good for a week. The following weeks the temperatures weren't peaking as high, but it still reaches around 35ºC or so during lunch. That's too hot, and honestly one of the drawbacks of living inside Metro Manila is the lack of trees and cooling breezes. All the asphalt and cement and white painted houses magnifies the heat.
