Sunday, May 07, 2023

[989] Exercise Update

The past few jogs I've decided to stop looking at my heartrate watch and mobile phone. I decided I would just jog and try to be mindful of my pace. I didn't need to see my pace, nor my heart rate.

Zone 2 sure it's nice but I guess I was shackling myself too much on my jogs trying to make sure I was in that zone. I wanted to stick to this certain pace that I believed would keep me in zone 2. However I noticed that before I stopped looking at my watch I was already maintaining my pace but I wasn't in zone 2. I was mostly in zone 4. I was getting frustrated.

So I stopped looking, maybe the past three or four jogs. I would jog three kilometers and the only time I would use my watch and phone would be to start and end my jog. My phone would still have an audio notification whenever I jogged one kilometer and gave some metrics, but really I wasn't paying too much attention.

So what's different? Physically almost little. I'm jogging at a slightly faster pace. When I check my heart rate I'm still way off of zone 2. I honestly couldn't care less to be honest, because I think now what's more important is I can get some exercise in. Maybe in the future I can try focusing on that again, but I'd rather just jog for the sake of getting physical activity in.
