Monday, February 06, 2023

[970] Fitness Update - Major Milestone

Let it be written here that today was the first time I was able to jog my roughly 1.08km route the whole way. Two laps.

According to my Adidas Running app I averaged 8:58 min/km with an average speed of 6.7 kmh and a max speed of 7.7 kmh. I also burned 239 calories. The total time was 19:01 with a distance of 2.12 km.

The Tozo Fit app says I burned 277 cal, had an average heart rate of 137 bpm and a max heart rate of 161 bpm. I spend less than a minute in the warm up zone, around 2 minutes in the fat burning zone, roughly 6 minutes in the aerobic endurance zone, roughly 10 minutes in the anaerobic endurance zone, and less than a minute at the limit. I have no idea if those zones are the same as zones 1 to 5.

My goal was to maintain my heart rate at the fat burning zone but I guess the farther I jog fatigue sets in and I have to push myself more hence spending more time above fat burning.

So my plan moving forward is to keep jogging but move my zone 2 training to my bike on the trainer. I can maintain my heart rate better there by either increasing or decreasing my cadence.

Great way to start the week.
