Friday, March 29, 2013

Rest and Reflection

Holy Week in the Philippines usually means a long weekend, with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday being non-working holidays.

When I was still a young boy this was usually the time my family and I would go to my mother's province in Orani, Bataan, where we would spend most of Holy Week there in quiet reflection.

Times have changed. Holy Week is now time for rest and recreation. Beach outings, out-of-towns, trips abroad. There are still a good number of Roman Catholics who still follow the usual traditions during Holy Week, despite the fact that people seem to forget the true meaning of these traditions.

Now it's mostly a chance to hang out with friends, or family, to do the traditions. And most of the time it's an excuse to go out and have fun, instead of remembering what Holy Week really is about.

But that's not what this post is about.

This post is about me.

The past few weeks have been draining on me. Physically, mentally, emotionally draining. And I know just what's been causing this drain.


While I still see the positives I've been gaining at work, it is getting harder and harder to look past the negatives. Yes, the experience I've been gaining has been great. Yes, I am learning to become a decent project manager, and if you ask me, I think I've gotten the respect of my team. I still enjoy the company of most of my officemates, and I still have "fun" in the office.

But I'm really tired. And I'm starting to doubt if everything I do at work is worth it.

I will still do my job, and I will do it well. Because I'm a professional. I am just posting this as an outlet because I need to think about where I see myself these next few years. I'm not getting any younger, my daughter is about to start going to the "big school," and my family and I still live with (and slightly depend on) my parents.

This just won't do. I need to do things to improve my life.
