I could be shooting myself in the foot with this post. But I just have to let this out.
I'm not happy anymore at work.
It may not seem like it to everyone else in the office. But that's because I try to maintain my professionalism. Seeing as I'm already part of "upper management" I have no choice but to try and be a positive force in the office.
Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the new challenges I've been encountering since I decided to apprentice as an associate producer. I appreciate the new things I've learned, specially on communicating with clients who are based abroad. I've had a couple of Skype calls, I've done my fair share of e-mail correspondence, and most of them have been great.
Hell, I've even worked with a Japanese client and I've experienced what happens if you tell them you'll be sending them a build at a certain time and you don't.
And don't think I'm unhappy because of the people I work with. I am very happy with my co-workers, specifically my team. They help me get through each and every work day without me slamming my head against the wall. And they all know when to step it up and when to have fun. All I have to worry about is to remind them about the deadline. No whip-cracking, no begging for them to finish their work.
I'm just not happy. People say if you love your job it won't feel like a job. Well, I don't love my job. I don't hate it, either. I just don't care about my job. And it's ironic because I recently got some positive reviews from a superior, who said my change in attitude and leadership was very obvious and very good. I wish I could have told that person that I honestly don't care anymore at work, and I'm just doing the duties assigned to my role.
I guess that's what I'm trying to say. My passion is dead and all that's keeping me going on is the professionalism instilled in my by my parents, and by some former officemates.