Saturday, December 15, 2012

Newtown, CT Killings

Ten days before Christmas. Or eleven, depending on timezone.

It had an even greater effect on me now that I'm a father. How can things like these happen? I cannot imagine how bad it must be for the families who lost their loved ones. I can only hope that they can eventually find peace of mind and maybe, just maybe, forgive the killer for what he did.

I was amazed at the range of reactions from athletes I read about in ESPN. The best reaction I read was from Chris Kluwe, an NFL player for the Minnesota Vikings. Here's what I read from the article:

"The way we deal with this tragedy in CT will tell us a lot about where we're headed as a society. Do we only address the symptoms (i.e. just gun control laws)? Or do we also address the disease -- how we treat each other and those who need help," Kluwe said in a couple of posts on Twitter.

It's the holiday season. In times like these, we should always think about these kinds of things. How do we treat other people? Kindness, compassion, and common-sense should be prioritized. Whatever happened to caring for other members of mankind?
