Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm Learning

New things are happening to me. Things I'm trying to adapt to as best as I can. It's hard to change, but change I must.

One of these things is my negative thinking. People close to me know how negative I think. Despite the fact that almost no one notices this, I am taking great pains to avoid thinking negative. True I still slip into negativity. But If you ask me, it's not as bad as how I used to think.

It all has to do with letting go. Rather than ranting non-stop about some negative incident that happens, just let it slide. Though I can't do it as quick as some people, I do manage to quell my negativity in a few seconds.

Usually I have to use reasoning to let my negative thoughts go. I've noticed that I need to reason with myself a lot to let go of a lot of things. As long as it helps.

And as long as I can improve. Great.


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