Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Something Light...

I've been slacking on my gym commitment. Last week I only managed to go once, the week before, twice. I did have some valid reasons (I stayed up late at work Thursday night and was too tired come Friday, I was lazy, it was election day and I was out of town).

Speaking of elections, I once again did not. Still haven't registered myself as a voter, still have no plans to vote. I'm pretty sure there are those who would say it's my duty as a citizen to vote, and that I should not complain about the government running this country because I don't. But...

I pay taxes. I have just as much a right to bitch and complain about the government I AM FUNDING WITH PART OF MY SALARY than the person who votes who gets to play with MY HARD-EARNED MONEY.

Anyway back to the gym. This week I'll try to go my regular thrice a week. I was supposed to go today, Tuesday, with my officemate but I'd rather sleep and rest. I can go MWF. I'm varying the program I initially got. Why? Because it's getting boring. I'm changing some exercises, increasing weight in some, decreasing reps in some, and varying the intensity during my cardio.

It's tiring, specially since I always complain of lack of sleep. I do lack sleep but try as I might, every night I just cannot sleep earlier than 11pm. Dammit.

So what's the point of this blog? Nothing.

I'm just stretching my fingers while working. Back to work, then.


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