Saturday, April 02, 2022

[910] Musings

These past two years have greatly affected me, truth be told. I've become more cynical and distant than I used to.

I've seen and read about great things humanity has done these past few years that have sort of restored my faith in humanity, but then all the bad things that have happened has also left me jaded.

People will say I should count my blessings and be thankful for the things I have in my life. I am grateful for the things I have, and I am glad that I am still alive, healthy, and capable of functioning similar to how I was before this pandemic started.

It's just been really, really tiring to experience everything that has been happening, and will possibly happen, these past few years. You've got the pandemic, the local presidential elections, the wars in some parts of the globe, rising costs of fuel and goods, and a hell of a lot more.

So focus on the things you can control. That's what everyone says, right? Easier said than done, I guess. I wish I could write more, but this is a public blog so I'd rather not.

Let's just say I'm not enjoying the ride and leave it at that. I haven't been enjoying for a long time.
