Sunday, August 11, 2019

[818] Ramping Up

I've decided to do my best to intermittent fast everyday. Past few weeks I was successfully doing my 16:8 IF weekdays with Saturdays and Sundays being my "cheat days." There was something I noticed.

Around Friday I would be at around 95kg. After the weekend I would be around 97kg. That meant whenever I ate breakfast (plus eating out and enjoying it) I would gain what weight I lost.

This weekend I'm trying to maintain my IF even during the weekends. More importantly I'm trying my best to stick to my portion control. I'd rather gain one kilogram of weight and lose two a week rather than just moving back and forth. Two steps forward one step back is acceptable, though I would rather just keep moving forward. So we'll see.

It took me quite a while to make IF a habit, and hopefully I can keep it up and make the weekends part of my IF and portion control habit. I don't expect to be able to do this immediately but hopefully in a week or so I'll be able to maintain my weight and finally normalize at a weight well below 95kg.
