Tuesday, February 12, 2019

[801] Some Updates on My Life

They say practice makes perfect. That is so true.

I recently posted a video of myself skipping rope. Since then I've skipped sporadically, main reason being that my ankles really started hurting and there was one weekend I casually played basketball and on my very first warm-up jump shot my left achilles tendon (at least I think it was that, it was above my heel, the rear of the foot) started hurting.

It took a few weeks for the left achilles soreness to disappear. I tried doing skip ropes a few times but I did not want to risk actually tearing something since I most likely won't be able to afford medical treatment.

So I tried doing some light kettlebell workouts. I still don't want to go out walking until all road works in our subdivision is done. I'm a creature of habit and deviating from my usual morning walk royally screwed with my motivation to actually go walking.

To make things worse I finally decided to go walking last Saturday with my daughter and I got stung by a "higad" around my nape and neck. The welts are still there, some almost gone and some still pretty big.

Anyway earlier this morning I decided to try skipping rope again and to film myself to see if I had any progress since the last time. Surprisingly I am now able to do 15 straight skips, and I am less winded and able to re-start skipping almost as soon as I stop.

Filming myself skipping helps a lot because I get to see what is wrong with my form and what I should be doing to improve myself. It also helps a lot that there are a lot of references available on youtube on how to skip rope.

Even better, my ankles aren't hurting after my earlier work out. So I guess I'll go do another skip rope work out tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be able to keep this up daily.


Bonus: Here's my latest video of me skipping rope.