Sunday, January 20, 2019

[800] Fourteen Years - Looking Back at this Blog

This blog will be turning 14 this coming March.

I've been skimming through old posts and checking them out. The only time I became very active with posts was when I tried to do the one photo a day challenge and blog about it. It was very, very useless since most of the posts were forced. Writing for the sake of making a blog, with no substance.

2009 was the year I had the fewest posts. This was the year I was getting ready to get married. It was also the year I went to Bangladesh (for work) for a few weeks and my folks and I went on a European vacation.

It's been a long time, and I'm glad I've been able to keep posting on this blog. Lately I guess my posts have been a lot more introspective. I guess that comes with age. I've also learned to censor myself a lot more since I started blogging. I've set up personal filters of what to post and what not to post. Maturity?

Anyway that's it. I'm posting too early about this blog turning fourteen, but in a way I'm excited I've been able to keep this up. The posts may not come as often, and I've become more private with my thoughts, but as long as I have something worth sharing to random strangers on the internet I will make a blog post.
