Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Spontaneous Brunch In Legazpi Market

Since we weren't having lunch with my in-laws like we usually do on Sundays, we had a lot of free time on our hands. Maica wanted to go out for brunch and I begrudgingly said yes.

We wanted to avoid our previous brunch at McDonald's Greenbelt, not because we don't want to eat there, but because we'd done it before and we wanted to do something different.

So I drove sort of aimlessly, first going to Salcedo Park to try to go to the Art in the Park event, but the parking was full for my taste. So I tell Martina we're having breakfast in McDonald's, but we're taking the long way, around HV de la Costa, past Makati Med, because I really wanted to cruise around today.

We see Legazpi Market (at the Legazpi Parking area every Sunday) and I guess Maica and I wanted to eat there, so I find a parking spot a few blocks down and park. Good thing we did.

While I did bring my camera, I totally wasn't in the mood to shoot. I have no idea why, maybe it's because it was crowded. Or I was shy to shoot people without purchasing anything from them. I have no idea.

We buy our food and find an empty table to eat. That's when I take the only two snaps of today I took -- one of my food, and another of Martina. Here they are:

20150322 - Legazpi Market
(L-R) Mushroom fries, chocolate milk, gyoza, and rice.
20150322 - Legazpi Market
Martina eating her mushroom fries.
We ordered mushroom fries and churros with chocolate dip to share. Maica got liempo barbecue with rice and buko juice, and I got gyoza with rice and fourteen pieces of takoyaki to bring home.

By the end of our meal I was too full and feeling a bit nauseous, probably because most of what I ate was very oily. Fortunately the food was at the least good, and at best great. So I guess I didn't mind splurging a bit this weekend.

I'm thinking we should try a few more spontaneous road trips once in a while, who knows what we end up discovering on our adventures.


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