Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More Random Thoughts

Lost 4 kg in a month. From 98kg to 94kg. Or if you check the weighing scale at home, 101kg from 105kg. Take your pick. Either way, I lost weight. And I'm still overweight. Oh well, one step at a time.

Woke up feeling pretty good about myself today, actually. Arms hurt but what the hey, that's what happens when you're a 200lbs++ tub of lard like myself. But it was a nice day. Woke up early, had a nice breakfast. Everything was feeling fine and dandy.

Then I got road rage.

The funny thing was I wasn't even driving. I was just looking out at all the stupid drivers on the road and I thought to myself, Gosh, wouldn't it be nice to own an MP-5 and just gun down some of the drivers on the street? I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are too many idiots living in this country nowadays.

Which brings me to this little quote I heard from Enzo.

"Every generation needs a Hitler."

The weird thing is I sorta agree with him. There are too many givlrd (In the interest of censorship I've decided to emulate Omar from SLAM's website, who uses the keys on the left of the actual letter when he swears) up people around. Too many idiots. Thieves. Rapists. Morons. We're all going down the proverbial drain and not too many people give a givl.

Now do you really believe that we can change people who DON'T want to change? Nope. So it'd be better to just wipe 'em out. Leave the smart and nice ones behind. Right?

Well, not really. I guess.

There are two sides to everything, sometimes even more. In one aspect that does sound good. But from another standpoint, the end doesn't justify the means. Morality comes into play. So what happens? Nothing.

Just like what's happening to our country now. Nothing.

Have a great day, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. "There are too many idiots living in this country nowadays... "Every generation needs a Hitler."" - Yep, I'll have to agree with this one. Harsh, but in extreme situations (this ain't even a situation, it's a full-blown catastrophe) like this country, extreme measures should be taken.


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