Monday, January 01, 2024

[1041] New Year Musings

2023 is gone, at least here in the Philippines. It's a new year and with that comes new hope, new goals, new stuff basically.

I am not a fan of resolutions, so I would rather try to set stuff I need to try to achieve. And honestly the biggest one I want to set and learn is a healthier attitude of gratitude.

Let's face the facts, I bitch a lot. There are also times I do think in a very entitled way, which is basically not a great thing. I have been doing my best to counter any really negative thoughts and I have been trying to be more aware so I can catch myself earlier.

Yet gratitude is my biggest weakness so far, there are things I still take for granted or forget to realize.

So this year I will hopefully try to be more aware and be more grateful for things I have.
