Tuesday, March 23, 2021

[872] Exercise Update

Due to the sudden surge of record breaking new Covid-19 cases, my wife and I had decided to stop going out on morning walks. Now we're back to working out at home, and I decided to not do my previous HIIT/Tabata routine.

The reason why I chose not to do that was because I was gassed when I tried to do my usual four cycles. I only made it up to the start of the second cycle before stopping. So I decided to try other forms of exercise that involves kettlebells.

I saw some good videos on youtube about kettlebell complexes that I used as basis for my new exercise. It's still taxing and so far the most I can do is three sets, but I'm hoping I can improve the quality of my motions and eventually increase the number to four or five.

Each set (or cycle? complex? circuit?) usually involves doing 10 goblet squats, 10 swings, 10 deadlifts, and 10 kettlebell upright rows (at least that's what I will call it). My goal is to do maybe four or five of these everyday. I take at least a one minute break after each set.

It is a totally different experience versus going around walking. Also it's disappointing for me to stop walking because I've already gotten back to my old pace of around 9:50 to 10 minutes per kilometer. Working these kettlebell exercises involve totally different muscles and a different kind of stamina. Still, at least I'm exercising.

Stay safe everyone. Out.