Monday, August 17, 2020

[854] Routines

I've started figuring out my routine these past few weeks. I'm constantly tweaking and adding new things once I manage to successfully incorporate things in my routine.

I'm going to try to do my Tabata workouts Mondays to Fridays. I've found some good combination of workouts that I hope will help me improve my health. Right now I'm doing 3 cycles of 4-minute cycles. Each cycles is made up of 8 alternating 20-second exercises and 10-second rests. After each cycle I have 50 seconds of recovery before moving to the next cycle.

After doing some stretches to warm me up, my first cycle is now pure cardio. Alternating jumping jacks and 20-pound kettlebell swings. This is to get my heart rate up for the next cycle.

Second cycle is also the most intense with regards to effort. For legs it will be alternating goblet squats with a 20-pound kettlebell and calf raises with two 40-pound kettlebells. If I'm focusing on the back it will be deadlifts with a 20-pound kettlebell and bent over rows with the same 20-pound kettlebell.

The last cycle will be a bit of the cooldown cycle with relatively easier workouts. I'll be doing 20-pound kettlebell hammer curls and tricep extensions for arm days. For shoulder days it will be standing 20-pound kettlebell pull-ups and left/right oblique exercises.

I know those work outs aren't perfect but I'm looking for stuff I can do in my room without making any excuses not to do it.

Originally I was doing random exercises every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Now that I've gotten the habit of doing it regularly my goal is to work out different sections everyday and leave the weekends for rest.

I originally did legs and backs one day, but it was too draining and I dry-heaved a lot after the exercise. While that isn't a bad thing, I honestly think I should just distribute the effort evenly.

And don't worry, I've read about these exercises and watched different youtube videos to find the best form for me. Hopefully I can continue this even after the quarantine is lifted.
