Tuesday, March 17, 2020

[839] 2020

Today is "day 3" in my book of the quarantine in Metro Manila due to Covid-19. Last night an enhanced community quarantine was declared for the entire region of Luzon. Basically we're all supposed to stay at home, and if we need to buy groceries or medicine only one person may go out to drive to the store and buy food.

Whatever good vibes, hopes, and dreams I had coming into 2020 is now gone. I was looking forward to my 40th birthday this year. Now I just want this year to be over, and it's not even the end of the first quarter of the year.

I hate 2020. In fact I've been hating the past few years for whatever personal reasons I have. In case I ever felt positive and thought, "bring it 2020," I have this to say:

"I give up, 2020. You win. Thanks for nothing."

I am getting closer and closer to just giving up. I never imagined I would experience these things in my life, and I only wish I never did experience these things. Don't give me that bullshit about these things building character.
