Friday, June 07, 2019

[812] Photographs

I got into photography around 2005. A good friend who I worked with got me started. He loaned me some film SLRs and when I got the flames stoked I eventually saved up to buy my own film SLR.

Soon my mom gave me a gift, a Canon 30D DSLR. Eventually because the CMOS sensor got fungal bloom I switched to point and shoot cameras. A Panasonic LX5, then a Canon G16. It was during these times I decided DSLRs were too bulky and my purpose for owning a camera had changed.

Nowadays I usually rely on my smartphone's camera. The LG G4 I have has a pretty decent camera anyway. And it's always with me.

When I started photography I wanted an "artistic outlet." I was learning the rule of thirds, learning composition, and trying to find unique ways of framing photographs. Eventually I started figuring out shutter speeds, aperture settings, white balance, and other technical stuff.

Once my daughter was born the reason I took photographs started evolving as well. It was less artistic expression and more capturing memories. Something I still believe in up to now.

I have recorded probably hundreds of gigabytes of still and moving pictures. Some of them still have a bit of artistic expression, but most of them now are all about capturing a specific moment.

I most likely will not remember every detail I have experienced in my life, but I hope that seeing pictures from way back will still remind me of what happened in that specific moment.

Don't get me wrong, I still try to add whatever I learned from taking pictures before to what I do now. And I still remember the greatest advice I got from my dad's friend who is a pretty well-known local photographer. "Why did you take the photo?" He refused to critique my shots if my answer was "because I wanted to." There had to be a reason why I took that specific photo, and why it was taken that way.

Nowadays I take the photo to remember that specific instance. I don't want to completely forget everything when I'm older and my memory starts failing me.

I don't want to forget friends and family who have moved on.

And that is why I still take photos.
