Monday, May 06, 2019

[810] Avengers: Endgame

My wife and I watched Avengers: Endgame in Greenbelt 3 yesterday. We went to the 10:30 am showing, got decent seats in the side, and enjoyed the whole movie.

It was an amazing movie that I think did a great job tying loose ends and possibly setting up the Marvel cinematic universe for more movies moving forward.

I won't write about any potential spoilers, though I have read my fair share. Willingly, of course. I read that article about the guy who got back at someone who spoiled Infinity War by spoiling Endgame and it took him almost one year to do it. There were plenty spoilers there.

My wife cried a few times during the movie. Good job on the directors for hitting the right notes, because I also got teary eyed in some parts.

I just wish my wife and I were more active watching Marvel movies because I'm pretty sure we missed a whole lot of "inside jokes."

Great movie, I might watch it again if it's still showing this coming weekend.
