Thursday, December 06, 2018

[796] 2018 Christmas Wishlist

It's that time of the year again where I start daydreaming.

Actually, let us change gears this Christmas. As much as I want my materialistic side to take over, I'm going to be thoughtful about this post.

I want peace of mind and happiness. I also want strength of will to become a better person and to change some parts of me to achieve what I want.

2017 and 2018 were relatively down years if I focus on the negatives. They were also good years since I've done a lot of thinking and changing perspectives as I move on. Overall you could say they weren't great years.

There were times I was down so low, but I also realized that as long as I have hope, and as long as I can do something about it I will always have a fighting chance. As long as I have my wife, my daughter, my parents, my good friends, and my (blood) relatives I will always have a fighting chance.

So there you have it. I just want happiness, peace of mind, and strength of will. I know I have to work to earn those things, I just wish sometimes that those things came easily to me.
