Monday, November 26, 2018

[795] Rough Patch

It's been a rough month or so for my family and I.

It started with me getting the eye shingles. Normally it takes about two weeks of rest but after one week I had to start getting stuff done. This involved a couple of long days and less rest. No big deal since I was feeling relatively fine and was able to do a few morning walks as well.

The lack of sleep started taking its' toll on me though. I started feeling weak and sluggish. I still do actually. I just take more naps as often as I can now.

Last week was the relative low point. My daughter started getting migraines. Nothing a trip to the doctor couldn't solve. She's on a strict diet right now and we're being careful with her so it won't occur as often as last week.

Over the weekend something else happened. I'd rather not blog about it but let's just say instead of having a nice weekend of rest I was relatively high strung facing things beyond my control.

I honestly cannot wait for Christmas. I'm going to take advantage of the long break by resting and hopefully getting myself a full physical check-up just to be on the safe side.

Until then, I soldier on.
