Monday, January 19, 2015

Papal Visit Thoughts

I've done an initial post about the Pope's visit to the Philippines. You all know that I wasn't too enthusiastic about losing out on three days worth of salary. You also know that I thought it was too early in the year to have a long holiday. My opinions about what I wrote stand true up to now.

However, I am a Roman Catholic. And I was very happy that he visited.

Pope Francis is a role model to everyone, not just Catholics. He has tried to bridge religious differences, cultural differences, and economic differences. He teaches us all how to be good human beings to everyone, not just to people who share our faith. And that is a very important lesson that I hope will stick with everyone until the day they die.

There is one Filipino trait called "ningas kugon." What it basically means is that they're commitment or desire over something they are very enthusiastic at in the beginning eventually wanes and dies out. I honestly hope and pray (yes, I pray) that everyone who was affected positively by Pope Francis will change for the better, and that change will be for good. Not just for a few days.

I also hope that the discipline and compassion we all showed during his visit will be around for good. I've seen it happen with my own eyes, and I know we are capable of doing it. Now I hope we continue doing this. Even if we don't have special guests in the country.

Finally I hope we lessen our tendencies to be judgmental. I've already seen a few articles online about criticisms during the Papal Visit. They could be criticisms towards government officials, to loud emcees, or to how crowd control was handled. There are some things better kept to ourselves instead of broadcasting it to everyone.

On a more personal note, while I did choose not to make an effort to personally see His Holiness, I still felt his presence and his influence one way or another. I will admit that I have not been a model Catholic, but after hearing Pope Francis' words and seeing his actions on TV, I admit I do want to improve myself for good, and not because I'm still feeling holy right now.

TL;DR - Great experience, I hope everyone becomes better human beings (not just better Catholics) and doesn't revert back to old, bad habits.


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