Sunday, September 09, 2012

Comfort Zone

A few weeks ago I decided to do something that would move me out of my comfort zone. For those of you not in the know, I hate being out of my comfort zone. For this particular scenario, allow me to describe this comfort zone.

I prefer to be in control. I want to know all the variables and all the scenarios, that way when (if?) something bad happens I will still be able to execute possible back-up plans that could fix things out.

Unfortunately for me, I made a big decision that put me out of this zone. Just two days ago things happened that were not in my comfort zone. Yesterday was more of the same, and to tell you honestly I was slightly freaked out. I couldn't control anything, and I didn't know what to do. It took all of my strength to maintain calm and analyze things in a different way.

It's still a learning experience for me, and I totally hope that I can somehow find a way to turn this new scenario I am facing into a comfort zone. If that happens then that means I have succeeded in the decision I made. If it doesn't, well life goes on.
