Friday, October 14, 2011

Comfort Food

I have one simple philosophy regarding comfort food. Whatever is served in front of me at the time I need comforting is my comfort food.

Kidding aside (although let's just say my previous statement is half-true) I don't really have a clue as to what comfort food is. Is it something to warm you inside? Because soup does that. Is it something you eat that fills you up? Salads can do that. Is it something you eat on cold, rainy days? Again, something hot can do that.

Let's just say that my definition of comfort food is something that makes me feel better when I'm down. And not the, I eat anything because I'm depressed sort. I mean the perk me uppers. The food that I don't have to stuff myself with, but just to eat a decent amount and it instantly picks me up.

So what are my comfort foods? Soups, for one. Specially chicken mami, and chicken noodle soup. Asado congee also perks me up and always makes me feel good when I have a bowl.

Potato chips, sadly, are comfort foods for me. Specially french onion and barbecue flavors. Just snacking on them takes away my sadness, even for a few minutes.

Burgers and other sandwiches aren't something I'd consider comfort food. Neither desserts, surprisingly. I find them too heavy and messy to eat in times of "sadness."

The list would probably get longer, but unfortunately I'll just leave it at that. I guess the statement I said above regarding any food is my comfort food might be a lot more than a half-truth. Maybe 80% true.


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