Saturday, February 16, 2008

Midnight Blogging

I've noticed a few things since I started blogging, with regards to blogging.

1. The number of posts I've done per year has decreased. It started with around 89 posts my first year of blogging. Then 56, then 49 I think. What does this mean? Well, I think first of all I've mellowed down since I started this blog. This was originally supposed to be a b*tch blog, where I vent out what I feel about life in general. And if you look back to my earlier posts, this was true. Boy, was I venting.

2. The quality of my writing has deteriorated. Maybe this has something to do with me mellowing down too. Earlier posts were edgy and not quite your usual formats of paragraphs and sentences. One word sentences in one sentence paragraphs. Plus all the angst made my words different. I was more articulate when I was angry, I guess. Or maybe now that I've mellowed down I have no need to vent. I don't know.

3. More "survey" posts rather than personal posts. Check it out. Lotsa "which are you?" or random surveys. Less personal blogs. And majority of my personal posts were just random updates on my life. Nothing interesting. Again, maybe because I've mellowed.

What does this mean? Well, for one, I miss my old writing style. It had an edge, it was different, it was entertaining, and it was damn good. I could make a point using a non-traditional writing style. Scoop Jackson was my writing hero. Now I just ramble.

Plus I'm sorta grateful that I've mellowed down and the angst has sorta died down. It just means either I've grown numb to the crap that happens at work, or I've just become experienced enough not to let the small things bother me. Either way it shows I've grown.

That's not too bad.


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