Monday, October 25, 2021

[888] Things I Need

There are two things I really need right now. New prescription glasses and a haircut.

I think I last had my eyes checked in 2018 or 2019. Since then I've noticed I can't really read while wearing my glasses, which apparently comes with old age. I'll need those two-way lenses where the lower half is for reading the the upper half is for normal needs.

Apparently if you're near sighted you won't be needing reading glasses as you get older. However your normal prescription lenses do affect what you can see up close, and up close I can't really read anything anymore unless I remove my glasses.

As for the haircut, I've been trimming my hair since the pandemic lockdown started way back in March 15, 2020. I've gone through different styles, from fully shaved, a mohawk, to figuring out a nice fade. Sadly I've decided to grow my hair long, in a style similar to an undercut. I don't know how to trim the long parts of my hair so I probably look pretty weird right now. I need a pro to fix my hair so it can grow and look the way I want it to look.
